Wednesday, December 22, 2010

Our Symbol

Where We Stand on the Political Compass

      Our party is sort of in the middle but leaning more towards Socialism and Libertarianism. We are were we stand because we believe that there should be an equal line between government control and no government control. We think that the people should be able to control what they do and they should have the freedom to do almost anything they want. But we also think that the government should set guide lines so that the people do not get out of control, and so America runs better and smoother.

Monday, December 20, 2010


     This political party started just a few years ago when the second amendment became a huge issue in America. Our members first met in October 21, 2007. They all agreed that we needed to do something about the government revoking our right to bear firearms. The founders of this party come from a long line of service men and women.

What we Strive to Accomplish

     Mr. Kane will fight for your right to bear arms, because he thinks that it is one of the most important amendments. Without this right you would be more likely to be assaulted or robbed. You would not have any way to protect you and all the criminals would still have their firearms.

Jonathan Toews

     Jonathan Toews was born on April 29th, 1968 in Winnipeg Canada. He moved to St. Paul where we went to high school and graduated with a 3.9 GPA. He went to St. Mary's University and became a lawyer and was in that profession for nine years. Then he found his real calling in  politics and ran for senator and won, he went for 3 terms and now he is running for Vice President.

Patrick Kane

     Patrick Kane  son of Patrick and Donna Kane, was born on November 19th 1988 in Buffalo NY. He lived in Buffalo until he was 15 then his family moved to Detroit Michigan where he graduated from high school with a 4.0 GPA. He got accepted into to Harvard Law school and graduated at the top of his class. He went on the be a lawyer for seven years. Then he got elected a senator of Illinois. And now he is running for President. It is up to you to vote and help write his biography.

Immigration in America

     Immigration has been a hot issue in America for some time. People are often unsure of where to stand on the issue, while the specter of illegal immigration often overshadows the larger debate. Here are benefits to immigration.The cultural diversity brought by immigrants is a positive thing in itself. Increased diversity brings new influences in art,  architecture and food. Immigrants are statistically more likely to start a business than people born in the United States. Their businesses often attract international investment capital as well. 

     Our candidate thinks that becoming a citizen or getting a green card should not be so hard because it would probably boost our slumping economy. The immigrants would still have to go though the standard testing and background checks, but it wouldn't be as extreme.